A Bola | CR7 and Neymar together in Turin
in A Bola
Sport Mediaset | Neymar in Turin to shoot with Cristiano Ronaldo
Cristiano Ronaldo and Neymar together in Turin, the dream of Juventus supporters has become reality in a commercial. in Sportmediaset https://vimeo.com/347309002https://vimeo.com/347307337https://vimeo.com/347307976 https://vimeo.com/347309002https://vimeo.com/347307337https://vimeo.com/347307976 https://vimeo.com/347309002https://vimeo.com/347307337https://vimeo.com/347307976
Record | Neymar ‘traded’ Paris for Turin: Brazilian star appears next to Cristiano Ronaldo
He did not appear at PSG on the day he was due and is involved in an endless controversy. While not clarifying his future, the Brazilian star recorded an advertisement with Cristiano Ronaldo. The image was released by Ricky Refuge, one of the greatest friends of the Portuguese star, who wrote: “When you put together […]
Tuttosport | Cristiano Ronaldo-Neymar, the challenge that passes from the boxing ring to the ping pong
Check the behind the scenes of the commercial that brought together the two champions. In the end, CR7 won with chopsticks. See the photos here: Tuttosport.com