Briefing | Continente plays for national football teams
O Continente marca o patrocínio à Seleção A de futebol masculino e feminimo e à de Sub-21 masculino, através de uma campanha multimeios com criatividade da Fuel e produção do Ministério dos Filmes. “Esta fome de vencer não pára de crescer” é o conceito da publicidade, que conta com vários jogadores como protagonistas e com […]
Meios & Publicidade | Jéssica Silva and Kika Nazareth help Continente to position themselves as the “sponsor” of all the portuguese national teams
“This hunger to win doesn’t stop growing” is the concept of the campaign that kicks off this monday to strengthen Continente connection to the FPF and to underline the brand’s support for national teams on the eve of the kick-off for Euro 2020. One of the highlights goes to the participation of Jéssica Silva and […]
News Cision | Continente is “sponsor of one portuguese national team”
“This hunger to win doesn’t stop growing” is the concept of the multi-media campaign that starts today, with the players Bruno Fernandes, Rúben Dias, Diogo Jota, Jéssica Silva, Kika Nazareth and Diogo Queirós, and which marks the official sponsorship of Continente, not only to the A Men’s Football Team, but also to the U-21 Men’s […]